My Natural Hair Journey

5:29 PM

" Why did you go natural ?" - this question is thrown at me all the time . Well i can honestly say that the reason i decided to go natural is because i was frustrated with the process of getting my hair relaxed every six weeks. My scalp is very sensitive due to the fact that I have mild eczema in my scalp .Yes ,real girl ,with real problems . Didn't matter what relaxer i used ,it would always burn like crazy! And in addition to that, my hair had been processed for years.I had my first relaxer at age 7. I didn't remember anything about my natural hair . My only memory of it was that it was really thick and i would hide whenever it was 'wash day' lol . Here's a little timeline of my hair journey along with my current hair products .


2014 ( Began cutting my hair  )
2014 ( July , BIG CHOP!)
2015 (Current hair status )
My current hair products

Tips for going natural :
Tip 1. have a good reason ,lol don't go natural because it's trending ,do it because it's something that YOU want to do .That way you will be more prepared for the challenges that come with it .
Tip 2. Do not let anyone discourage you ,trust me i faced a lot of discouragement when i decided to go natural .
 Tip 3 .Its rough! ,getting to know your hair can be really frustrating ,but eventually you will definitely get the hang of it,watch a lot of youtube videos ,that's what i did .
Tip 4. Accept your hair for what it is,not everyone is gonna have wavy natural hair ,a lot of girls go natural thinking that they are gonna have a wavy texture,then they get disappointed and all that, so femmes ensure that you have a good reason for going natural .

Feel free to make suggestions ,ask questions and comments :)

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