A Quick and Easy Way to Get Rid of Acne Scars/Marks .

1:25 PM

Hey femme fatales ,
Are you tired of stubborn acne scars that just wont go away? Well I have a simple home remedy that might help ( lol that sounded so much like a commercial :D) .

 Lemon juice / Lime juice .

There are numerous  health benefits of lime. These include : relief of constipation ,weight loss ,improved digestion , skin care and these are just a few . I personally use it to reduce the visibility of my acne scars . It's cheap ,easy and located right in my refrigerator. By following these simple instructions you should be able to see a difference in your skin within a week at least.

STEP 1. Purchase your lemons/lime lol,or pick it from the tree in your backyard.Whichever works for you.

STEP 2. You can now squeeze the juice from the lemon/lime into a bottle or container .As for me I'm super lazy ,so i go right ahead and squeeze the juice onto a face rag/cloth. A cotton ball can be used as well.

STEP 3. The easiest step ,apply this to your face gently . Depending on how sensitive your skin is,you can leave this on for about 5-10 minutes.Rinse with cold water .

STEP 4. Moisturize.I use olive oil to do this .

> If you have very sensitive skin,I would suggest diluting the lemon juice with equal amounts of water .
> Avoid using this treatment in the day.Before bed is good enough.
> For starters ,2-3 times a week is also good enough .
> You might experience a burning sensation after applying.If so pat your face with cold water .It's nothing to worry about and I promise in no time it will go away.

If you try this out,let me know if it worked for you :)

Feel free to comment ,suggest and ask questions.

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