Does Wearing Less Clothes Make a Woman More Attractive ?

4:45 PM

Hey femme fatales,

 I think it's natural for a woman to want to look sexy. In our minds, it's just a way to boost our self esteem. Question is though, does being sexy mean wearing less clothes? Well no sister, not true.
I've speculated that many females seem to think that looking 'sexy' means butt cheeks dropping through and boobs hanging out; come on guys, to you it may look fine, but we don't need to be seeing all of that. I mean, I might be guilty, as I've thought so too,  but it's an easy fix though.

 I'm going to give you guys my moms top tips on looking sexy without sacrificing class.
 Tip 1. If you're wearing something revealing on the lower half (eg. booty shorts ), scrap that crop top you've been dying to put on for a more covered up, yet trendy top.
Tip 2. Flip the first tip, heck throw on your sexy crop top, but similarly, balance the look with some denim, pants, or a midi skirt. 
Tip 3. You don't even have to go with either, go ahead cover up from head to toe, be confident you can still pull it off.
Tip 4. I'm old school; I don't break the rules , but I do like to bend them. So, whenever you're feeling like a baddie, wear a crop top with your shorts BUT, ensure to tone it down a little with a jacket, cardigan, or a sleeved shirt.
 ''A girl should be two things : classy and fabulous " -Coco Chanel -

  Girls don't get me wrong here, there's nothing wrong with wearing shorts and crop tops together . Sometimes you might wanna dress that way for a particular occasion ,for instance a Soca party or a beach party who knows . Just be open minded about it and explore the different styles out there .
I hope you guys will find these tips helpful .

.......And remember ,never leave your confidence at home :)


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  1. Bwoy, you really have a passion for fashion, it was well printed from high school days!....all the best,




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