Another Acne Secret = Revealed!

3:37 PM

Hey guys ,
So two weeks ago I shared a simple home remedy that I use to get rid of my acne scars ,however today I'm sharing another home remedy to help control acne breakouts.
What's cuter than having a face covered in pimples -.- ..........Everything. When I started high school I struggled for probably 3 years with acne, it was really embarrassing because the other kids had faces that were smoother than a babies butt . This was the only thing that seemed to work for me :)


How to do this ?
You simply make a paste by adding two/three table spoons of water with two table spoons of baking soda .
This paste is used to exfoliate the skin,removing dead skin cells and dirt . I usually just use this as a scrub but you can also just simply apply it directly to your pimples for about 10 -15 minutes and then rinse it off .

Tips for using this :
Tip 1. Baking soda can be very drying to your skin,so after using this you may want to moisturize your face .I personally use olive oil.
Tip 2. Some people leave this on overnight ,you can but I wouldn't advise you to because as I said previously ,baking soda can be harsh on skin. 
Tip 3. If you have any open pimples ,it might burn a little ,but not for too long .If it continues rinse it off Asap with cold water.
Tip 4. Avoid using this too often , 2-3 times a week is good enough.
Tip 5.If you have severe acne ,and this doesn't work,and nothing at allll works for you ,then i would recommend trying - A- Ret (Tretinoin ) . My sister has tried this and it worked really well for her.Research it .

If you try this out,let me know if it worked .
Feel free to make suggestions ,ask questions and comments, :)

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