DIY Halter Top!

12:52 PM

Hey Femmes ,
so recently I posted on my Instagram this top I made and I promised that I would show you guys how I did it on here ,so before anyone else attacks me about why I haven't made that post yet lets get right into it .It is super easy but it does require a little sewing .....just a little bit :p .

Source your material .Preferable something that has a wool like texture,maybe an old sweater could do too.It definitely doesn't have to be a lot of fabric .

Try to cut your fabric into a rectangular shape .

Begin cutting out your neckline from the center of the fabric  .

 STEP 4.
Once you've got the neckline down you can begin cutting out where your arms will go and how the fabric will wrap around your body .I would suggest placing the fabric against your body each time you make a new cut just so you know exactly what you're doing especially if this is the only fabric you've got.Should look a little like this......

Continue cutting straight across ......and you should end up with something looking like this .

Your top is almost finished! .....kinda ish :/,you just need to add your straps which is where the sewing comes in and if you want your top to look exactly like mine ,I added a cross pattern in the back and this does require a little more work.
STEP 5 .
Sew on your straps to the neckline of your top .Doesn't have to be super neat at this point because you will have to clip off the excess when you're done.

Time for the hardest part which is the back of your top.
STEP 6 .
For this step you will need a string probably over 24 inches and 6 other tiny strings for the cross pattern that will be in the back .

Sew the little tiny strings on the inside of your top at the back . Three (3) on each side .

When you're done,your top should look like this.
 STEP 7.
Now you can insert your string between the loops to create your cross pattern however you want it.

Once you've done that your top is finally done :). Just remember to trim up and cut off the excess material .

A video would have probably been better to understand but none the less I still hope this was helpful for you guys .

                                                 HOW I STYLED MINE!

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