One Skirt = 3 Outfits !

5:11 PM

So summer is around the corner and very soon every girl is going to be in a mad rush to find the perfect swimsuit or just any cute fun outfit that you may want to wear on the beach or to a party.If you're looking for something good its probably going to cost you a fortune ;( ,and if you know anything about me , you'll know that I am not going to spend a million dollars on a piece of cloth -.-; In addition to that I'm very resourceful ,thrifty and I'm married to my scissors lol. Here is a simple way you can transform ONE skirt into three or more outfits :)

Did I pull it off ?

Go into your closet and try to find a skirt you can sacrifice cutting . Preferably something like a skater skirt .

Get a pair of scissors and cut the end of the skirt in the same manner I did below .
 Now cut that strip .You can cut it at any point so don't worry about messing it up.

                                                     AND YOU'RE DONE !

 You now have a skirt and a top. You can wrap this material which you have cut from the skirt into any style you like . Just be creative,open minded and trust your instinct.

Comment ,suggest and feel free to ask questions ;)

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